
Hi there, I’m PJ.

I’m a freelance content strategist and creative director specializing in communication strategy and design for healthcare, science education, and fundraising. Armed with a record of crafting communications that drive results and a background in both writing and design, I know how to deliver a tight, tidy package.

Check out some of my experience below and get in touch if you think my skills and services would be a good fit for your agency or organization. You can also find me on LinkedIn if that’s more your cup of tea.

My desire to organize carries over to my hobbies as well. My shopping lists are...thorough.

My desire to organize carries over to my hobbies as well. My shopping lists are...thorough.

Strategy, Planning, and Leadership

I pride myself on using a combination of strategic storytelling and scientific methodologies to deliver value to my clients by aligning my work to their key performance indicators. In plain English, I help companies meet their goals by striking a balance between style and substance in their communications. As far as industries go, I most often work with healthcare, IT, pharma, CPG, and retail organizations. 

By straddling the disciplines of content and design, I bring a unique perspective to projects and play a helpfully disruptive role on creative teams to push our work to the next level. And by taking a UX and service design approach, I strive to provide utility mixed with the right amount of delight.

Also, I’m a nice guy and pretty easy to work with. (And I don't mind ending a sentence with a preposition if it feels right.)

Example projects include:

  • Developing and guiding brand storytelling and messaging strategy for companies and products
  • Planning and executing digital, traditional, and content marketing campaigns
  • Creating persuasive presentations—even in PowerPoint!
  • Designing and facilitating workshops
  • Uncovering user needs and motivations with persona development, journey mapping, experience flows, and service blueprints
  • Localizing messaging for regional markets, including North America, Europe and the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Latin America, and Northern Africa
  • Conducting qualitative design research
  • Leveraging design thinking methodologies
  • Leading creative teams and projects

Content Editing and Art Direction

I approach editing and art direction as two sides of the same coin. The most elegant and effective communications find their voice, tone, and mood by playing text and imagery off each other. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes adding a sentence on top of a photo can make it worth a million.

In other words, I care just as much about commas as I do about kerning. I can’t say this makes me fun at parties, but it does make me good at my job. Examples include:

  • Editing content and copy and art directing for brand compliance and style
  • Supporting (or scrubbing) claims and referencing
  • Repackaging pre-approved messaging
  • Storyboarding for print, digital, and video projects
  • Evolving brand messaging and imagery for greater impact
  • Leveraging UX principles to improve messaging, UI, and overall design
  • Directing photography and illustration for medical accuracy and brand compliance
  • Developing style guides and language systems for content and creative
  • Building mood boards and directional tools
Pen and paper is my favorite way to work.

Pen and paper is my favorite way to work.

Since I've already used an image of a writing implement, here's a photo of a reflection of downtown Toronto. Go Leafs!

Since I've already used an image of a writing implement, here's a photo of a reflection of downtown Toronto. Go Leafs!


At the end of the day, putting pen to paper (or whiteboard) is my favorite thing to do. I’ve been extremely lucky that many different organizations have hired me to tell their stories in many different formats. Below is a sampling of different types of content I’ve created over the years:

  • All manner of web content, including SEO
  • Banner and rich media ads
  • Booklets
  • Brochures
  • Case statements
  • Corporate bios
  • Donor reports
  • Email marketing
  • Grants and RFPs
  • Infographics
  • Intranet content (think: SharePoint)
  • Large-format books
  • Mobile apps and web
  • Record reviews
  • Social media
  • Video scripts
  • Whitepapers

Please note: I’ve always wanted to work on a skywriting campaign. If you have any interest in this approach, please contact me immediately.

Recent studies suggest dog ownership may increase human lifespan. Mildly related, here's my dog annoyed by the rain.

Recent studies suggest dog ownership may increase human lifespan. Mildly related, here's my dog annoyed by the rain.

Healthcare Subject Matter Expertise

I’ve been a science nerd from Day 1 and find almost all aspects of healthcare fascinating. This has allowed me to create content for a wide range of healthcare topics and audiences, including patients, clinicians, policy makers, donors, and the C-suite. My work has focused on common subjects such as cancer care and chronic pain as well as less well known issues such as Dupuytren’s contracture, shift work disorder, and shallow water blackout fatalities.

In school, I studied neuroscience and art history, so I can’t say my unconventional career path has been a surprise. I was also honored to have two of my undergraduate research projects published in peer-reviewed journals (check them out here and here). Translation: I can find my way around even the densest piece of primary literature.

Here are some other healthcare topics I've worked on:

  • Condition education and product messaging, including hospital service line content and pharma marketing
  • Internal training and communication for healthcare sales and marketing
  • Campaign execution, including product launches and cause marketing
  • Population health management, including stratified patient interventions 
  • Purchasing and supply chain logistics
  • Patient engagement
  • Hospital and provider staff satisfaction
  • Value-based care
  • Healthcare analytics and big data
  • Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement
  • Capacity management and patient flow
  • Patient portals and EHRs

Portfolio and Work Samples

The majority of my work, especially strategy and planning projects, has been covered by non-disclosure agreements. For this and other privacy reasons, I do not publish work samples on the internet. If you would like to see examples of my work, please send me a note.

References and testimonials are also available upon request.

Let’s Talk, 1.404.697.4477, or just use this handy form: